Elite Village





The Elite Village residential complex is situated in the hills of Brufa with a splendid view overlooking the Assisi plains.
Consisting of 10 duplex real estate units and 1 single real estate unit, for a total of 21 houses. Some houses have already been completed and can be inspected. Others are under construction.
The building style is inspired by traditional Umbrian farmhouse construction with parts in ancient sandstone, flat tile roofs and recycled roof tiles, trusses with hand-hewn oak beams and recycled tiles. All real estate units feature spacious gardens and a garage. Interiors have been left unfinished thus enabling the purchaser to customise their home.

Each residential unit is unique with interior and exterior features that distinguish it from all the others, built on three levels including: basement, ground floor and attic. A large porch with arches overlooking the valley is connected to the end of the living room on the ground floor. A great deal of attention has been paid to detail in the search for materials and building methods used for the construction of Umbrian farmhouses.

The exterior façades are partially covered with ancient sandstone and in part with plaster and paints, which are typical of the area.

Roofing has been carried out using flat tiles with the handmade antique tile overlay system.

Chimneys have been built using handmade recycled bricks thus maintaining the structural Umbrian characteristics. In addition the porch and terrace roofing were completed using trusses with hand-hewn oak beams. The eaves have been built with moulded chestnut joints and the overhang is tiled with handmade tiles.

Lotto 3 - Elite VillageLotto 2 - Elite VillageLotto 1 - Elite Village
Lotto 4 - Elite VillageLotto 5 - Elite VillageLotto 6 - Elite VillageLotto 7 - Elite Village

Lotto 10 - Elite VillageLotto 9 - Elite VillageLotto 8 - Elite Village

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In auto

Da Firenze: percorre l'autostrada A1, uscire a Valdichiana, immettersi nella SS.75 Bis del Trasimeno che costeggia l'omonimo lago. Proseguire fino a Perugia/P.S.Giovanni. Uscire a P.S.Giovanni/Torgiano e seguire le indicazioni per Brufa.

Da Cesena: percorrere tutta la superstrada E45, superare S.Sepolcro, Citta' di Castello, Umbertide, sino ad arrivare al bivio di Collestrada. In direzione Perugia uscire a P.S.Giovanni/Torgiano e seguire le indicazioni per Brufa.

Da Roma: percorrere l'autostrada A1, uscire a Orte e immettersi prima di arrivare a Terni, sulla superstrada E45 direzione Perugia, dopo aver superato Todi e Deruta, uscire a P.S.Giovanni/Torgiano e seguire le indicazioni per Brufa.

In treno

Linea Roma-Perugia/Ponte San Giovanni (normalmente con cambio a Foligno).

In aereo

L'Aeroporto è situato in località S.Egidio, a circa 9 Km di distanza da Brufa (dieci minuti d'auto). Effettua voli nazionali ed internazionali. Sito web: www.airport.umbria.it